The Buraco is a card game for 2 or 4 players very popular in Brazil and Italy of the same family as Tranca.
The object of the game is to create straight flushes or groups of 3 or more cards of the same rank to score points. This game mode uses 2 standard decks of 52 cards and includes the jokers (4 in total).
Dostupné herní režimy:
- Open-Dirty for 4 players in pairs.
Ostatní druhy hry jsou: Open, Closed, Closed dirty, Closed NSCR (no sets, clean run).
The pair with the most points at the end of the round wins.
Pravidla této hry jsou podobná jako: Chinchón, Tranca, Gin Rummy, Remigio…
Jak hrát Buraco (Open-Dirty)
All players start with 11 cards each. Two piles of 11 cards are left aside on the table called the “stock” (in Portuguese the “dead” pile). The remaining cards make up the draw deck.
Každý hráč musí ve svém tahu:
- Táhnout kartu z balíčku.
- …Or pick up all the available cards from the discard pile in the middle of the table.
The player in turn may place cards or melds on the table to score points for their team.
- The player may create new combinations of 3 or more cards.
- They can also add single cards to the melds of their team already on the table.
The turn ends when the player discards a card face-up on the discard pile.
On your turn you must decide whether to draw a card from the deck or all visible cards from the discard area to make your combinations.
Wild cards
Twos and jokers function as wild cards in any combination. In total there are 12 wild cards, counting all twos and jokers. Only one wild card can be used per combination.
In a combination, there can be two twos, as long as one acts as a wild card and the other retains its real value.
When the “2” acts as a wild card in a combination, it can be replaced by the card it substitutes.
- If the 2 is of the same suit as the combination, it will move to its real place when replaced. For example, by adding a 3 to this straight 2 4 5, it will become 2 3 4 5.
- If it cannot take its real place, it will continue to function as a wild card on the far right or left of the combination.
If the straight has been completed, the wild card cannot be replaced.
Například: 2 2 3 5 … J Q K A
The stock (the “dead” pile)
When a player runs out of cards, they must take one of the “stocks” (11 cards each).
Each pair can only use one stock during the round.
If there are no cards left in the draw pile, one of the “stocks” will replace it.
Runs (“canastas”)
A “canasta” (run) is a combination of at least 7 cards. There are different types of runs:
- Špinavá postupka
- It contains a wild card.
- Čistá postupka
- It does not contain a wild card.
- Královská postupka
- A clean run from ace to king (the ace is placed after the king).
In this game mode, it is not possible to make ace to ace straights.
When replacing a wild card, a dirty run can become a clean one and earn more points. But beware! The opposite can also happen.
Bater - A player runs out of cards
It's called “bater” (“going out”) when a player runs out of cards in their hand. There are several situations:
Direct “Batida”- The player combines their last card, picks up a stock and continues playing in the same turn.
Not available in “Open-Dirty” mode. - Indirect “Batida”
- The player discards their last card, picks up a stock and ends their turn.
- Konec kola
- The player can close the round when they run out of cards, their team has picked up the “stock” (if available), and they have a run.
Remember that if the game ends and the other team has more points, they will win the game!
Spočítat body
In this mode, the wild cards have a special value and there is no ace to ace straights.
Karty | Skóre |
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | 5 bodů |
8, 9, 10, J, Q, K | 10 bodů |
Eso | 15 bodů |
2 (divoká karta) | 20 bodů* |
Joker | 30 bodů* |
Close the round | 100 bodů |
Špinavá postupka | 100 bodů |
Čistá postupka | 200 bodů |
Královská postupka | 500 bodů |
Teams may also lose points in the following cases:
- You will lose points for each card left in your hand.
- Not picking up the “stock” will deduct 100 points.
Pile of discards | “Open” discard pile (all cards can be seen). |
Wild cards | Twos and jokers. Twos can be replaced. |
Combinations |
Straights and groups of cards with the same value (except twos). The ace can go before the 2 or after the king. Runs from ace to ace are not allowed. However, the following is allowed: 2 2 3 … J Q K A |
Run required to close | You can close with any run (clean or dirty). |
Closing | A card must be discarded to close. |
Skóre | Twos are worth 20 points and jokers are worth 30 points. |
Konec hry
In this mode, the game ends:
- When a player discards the last card and can no longer pick up the “stock”.
- When there are no cards left in the draw pile.
In case of a tie, the team that started the game wins.
Zkušenostní body a pořadí
Hodnocení této hry začne, až skončí období betatestování.