World Challenge

Rules of World Challenge

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World Challenge is a board game that combines strategy and general culture for four players.

The objective is to answer questions and conquer the maximum number of countries. The player with the most countries wins the game.

How to play

The game is very simple: there is a question phase and a country conquest phase.

  1. In the first phase all players must answer a question correctly before the time is up.
  2. The players who have guessed correctly can conquer a country on the map that is still free (grayed out). The order of the players depends on the speed of their answers.

The game will continue with more questions as long as there are countries available. The location of the first country is very important as it sets the strategy of the game.

You can only conquer territories that share a border or are connected by an arrow with the countries of your color. When there are no free neighboring countries left, you can continue expanding your territory with the pre-conquest phase.


In this phase you will be able to conquer any available country on the map, but you will need to answer 2 questions correctly.

  1. With the first question, the country will be temporarily circled in your color.
  2. With the second question, you will be able to conquer it definitively.

Question phase

The questions are divided into 6 different categories:

All questions have 4 possible answers. You can remove one of the wrong answers with the Remove an answer button. This skill has a limited number of uses.

Report an error in a question

To report an error in a question, tap on the “!” button and we will review it as soon as possible.

Challenges between players

After 8 countries have been conquered, the challenge phase will be activated before each question.

In this phase, a player can challenge another player to steal a country from them. To do so, the player issuing the challenge must answer the question correctly, and the challenged player must fail.

Challenging player Challenged player
✅ Correct answer ❌ Incorrect answer
Steals a country Loses a country

Each player has 3 challenges available at the beginning of this phase.


Several types of “mischiefs” are available to distract or slow down the other players. This phase is available from round 4 onwards.

There are 3 different types of mischiefs:

Remove random letters from the following question.
Creates a block of ice over the next question that prevents the player from answering. The player must tap the screen several times to break it.
Covers the question with ink to make it difficult to read. It fades over time.

Konec hry

The game ends when all the countries on the map have been conquered. The player with the most countries is the winner of World Challenge.

Zkušenostní body a pořadí

Pravidla World Challenge již znáte. Nyní hrajte a získejte zkušenostní body xp, zvyšte úroveň a zlepšete své pořadí.

Činnost Body
Hrajte hru28 xp
První z her46 xp
Druhá z her23 xp
Třetí z her12 xp
Conquer 3 countries1 xp

Hráči, kteří opustí hru, nezískají žádné body.

Získejte další mince a zkušenosti splněním herních výzev.