
Pravidla Scopa

Hrajte Scopa

Scopa (in English “broom”) is a classic Italian card game with origins dating back to the 18th century.

It is played with various Italian regional decks and has evolved into numerous variants all over the world thanks to Italian emigrants. Interestingly, there are Scopa family games in areas with cultures as different as Egypt and Lebanon.

Cíl hry

4 players play in pairs with a italian deck (napoletane, bolognesi, siciliane…) of 40 cards (8, 9 and 10 not included).

The object of the game is to score points by capturing cards and “sweeping” the card table. A capture is made by matching the value of a card in your hand to the sum of one or more cards on the table.

The points depend on the cards obtained and the actions performed. První dvojice, která dosáhne 11 bodů, vyhrává hru. In the event of a tie, play will continue until the tie is broken.

Hodnota karet

Obrázek Karta Hodnota
Král piků Král 10
Rytíř pohárů Rytíř 9
Kluk mincí Kluk 8
7 piků Rest of the cards Její vlastní hodnota

Jak hrát Scopa

The game begins by dealing 3 cards to each player and placing 4 cards face up on the table.

On their turn, each player must play a card from their hand and combine it with one or more cards on the table. In order of priority:

  1. Combinations with 1 card on the table (cards with the same value).
  2. Combinations with 2 or more cards on the table.

If a player cannot make any combination, they must discard one card and place it face up on the board.

When the players have no more cards, 3 cards are dealt again to each player. This is repeated until there are no cards left in the deck.

At the end of the round, the player who made the last move draws the remaining cards from the table. After this, the round is scored, and the deal progresses to the next player on the right.


If a player succeeds in capturing all the cards on the table (“sweeps” the table), they get a “scopa” and score 1 extra point. The “scopa” made with the last card does not score a point.

Spočítat body

After each round, players score points according to the cards and “scopas” obtained.

Karty Body
Scopa 1 bod
Most coins 1 bod
7 of coins 1 bod
Highest “Primiera” 1 bod
Most cards 1 bod
In the event of a tie, no points are distributed.


The “primiera” is calculated as the sum of the 4 cards of each suit with the highest value according to the following table:

Carta Valor
7 21 bodů
6 18 bodů
Eso 16 bodů
5 15 bodů
4 14 bodů
3 13 bodů
2 12 bodů
Face cards 10 bodů

Zkušenostní body a pořadí

Pravidla Scopa již znáte. Nyní hrajte a získejte zkušenostní body xp, zvyšte úroveň a zlepšete své pořadí.

Činnost Body
Hrajte hru21 xp
Vyhrajte hru35 xp
Scopa3 xp

Hráči, kteří opustí hru, nezískají žádné body.

Získejte další mince a zkušenosti splněním herních výzev.